Auxiliars conversa

Directora Pedagògica
La Denisa i l’Erko són auxiliars lingüístics que han vingut des d'Austràlia, per donar-los l'oportunitat als alumnes de l’escola per aprendre anglès mantenint converses. Els auxiliars de conversa són persones acabades de llicenciar o estudiants universitaris dels darrers cursos que han decidit venir al nostre país per millorar els seus estudis i completar la seva formació en les llengües castellana i catalana. Per aquest motiu, durant la seva estada al nostre país tenen la consideració d’estudiants becaris.
Al ser natius, els alumnes es poden acostumar al seu accent i aprendre nou vocabulari que igual no han après a classe. Els donen als alumnes la confiança i el coneixement per sortir al món i parlar anglès correctament.
Ens han explicat que els ha sorprès molt el nivell d’anglès que tenen els nens i nenes de la nostra escola. Quan van arribar van ser capaços de parlar amb tots els alumnes sense cap mena de problema. La Denisa en concret ens explicava que el que més l'ha sorprès ha sigut la cultura que tenen tots, tant alumnes com professors, i els solidaris i acollidors que és tothom.
My name is Denisa and I have been the English Language Assistant at CASP over the last school academic year. Coming from Australia into a new school in another country, naturally I did have a sense of nervousness. This feeling was immediately erased as the staff and students at the school demonstrated their friendly and welcoming culture and I immediately felt at home and part of the family.
I largely worked with the students that are in their first half of their schooling years, working with students ranging from 5 years old and all the way up to 13-year old’s. The school provides an environment where students feel comfortable to participate in all class activities. This was very evident to me as all my classes were filled with enthusiasm and excitement to learn and practise the English language.
This school has left an everlasting impression on me as it gave me an experience that was unforgettable. It is hard to put in to words the level of kindness, care and love the staff and students displayed towards me. I was able to see the nurturing and caring environment this school has embodied firsthand as everyday was filled with respect and love. I was blown away just how much the students at this school care for each other. I can not recall a time where I could see a student be isolated or treated unfairly.
The staff at this school are amazing. I have met some of the nicest people in my life here at this school. The teachers here have a great passion for teaching, and I have learnt a lot from them. Every teacher that I have met here has been amazing. The level of care and love I received here was incredible. I can certainly call this school my second home because that’s how I felt here. This experience has been one of the best things that has happened to me. I will cherish this forever.
My name is Erko and I am the English Language Assistant at Jesuits CASP. I came to this school with the aim of offering my English-speaking skills, knowledge and attention to the students I was working with, which ranged from 1st of ESO to 2nd Batxillerat.
I was taken aback by the high level of English the students have at this school, which is a testament to the hard work the students and the school have put in to achieve such results. I was able to have open conversations with students from all year levels and the level of enthusiasm that the students demonstrated for practising English shows the learning culture and environment that school has created for its students.
Besides the students being hardworking and possessing high academic levels, I have also noticed the feeling of camaraderie within the school walls. I would often see students laughing, socialising and having a good time during breaks and in-between classes. It was nice to see students get along with each other as many times the friends we make at school, end up being friends for life.
On a personal level, my time with Jesuits CASP has been nothing short of fantastic. Even with my limited knowledge of Catalan and Spanish, there was never a time where I felt left out or an outsider. Both the students and staff treated me with the upmost respect and care. I really did feel like a part of the Jesuits family. I will forever be grateful to the school for giving me the opportunity to meet wonderful people and letting me assist with improving their English-speaking skills. I will take many many great memories back with me to Australia.
Extremely thankful.